Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 28th -June 1st 2009

In the past few days we have been putting finishing touches on our dream-house. On Thursday after school, we painted it, the roof: brown, the faces: pink, and the door; green. Later on, Emily painted the cat, the dog and the little girl to be glued to the cam and followers on Friday.
On Friday at lunch we put on some details to make it more colorful, a sparkly doorknob, a sign that says dreamhouse, a picture of us and a few little characters on the outside of the house. We also glued the characters on to the cam & followers. All that is left to do is gluing on the roof and the front of the house. 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 10 - May 22nd 2009

Class 1
Today in the morning we worked on resolving some issues. First, we had to make stoppers so the axle doesn't slide out of place (which later we had to take off because they wouldn't let the axle move at all) And we planned what we would do in the afternoon, such as: rather than the door opening (it was too complicated in the end) we would just make a third cam & follower, so we had to drill another hole in the intermediate, build another cam & follower, make a character, and make the door look decent.

Class 2
In the afternoon is when we got a lot done. We added hinges to the front door, they're a bit stiff but they are for decorative purposes anyways. We did everything we wanted to, and all that is left for us to do is:
- Paint the exterior
- Finish the characters
- Glue the front and the roof together

But we will have to do this in our spare time as today was our last class! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 9 - May 12th 2009

the cam & followers!

Class 1

 Today for our first class of the day, I worked on the mechanisms in the house. Alexa was sick, so I tried to do as much work as I could without touching the power tools. I attached the third wall of the house and put the axle holding the cams and followers through, I realized the cams were too pointy so I will resolve this issue this afternoon. Someone helped me out with cutting the intermediate part that will guide the followers as well as putting the holes through them. This was one of our last classes and I'm starting to get worried, I don't think our horizontal cam and follower will work, the cams are too steep, and it's too late to change them because they're glued in place and the axles already installed, on top of that: the windows might show too much of the interior of the house.

Class 2

This afternoon's class went great compared to this morning's. First, I sanded down the cams as much as I could, put the half-done followers in place then put the intermediate piece between the edge of the windows and the axle to guide the followers. I glued everything down and it seems to be working great when I spin the axle. I then made a crank and the cam and followers are working flawlessly! I haven't put the characters on because I want to paint them first, and all that's left to do is the horizontal cam and follower as well as the door. 


Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 8 - May 8th 2009

alexa making our cams

Class 1
Today was a great day for our dreamhouse! It started off this morning with Alexa making our cam, followers, and axles and Emily finishing cutting out the sides of our house. We decided we were just going to use regular cams rather than the "snail drop cams" that we had originally planned as they seem more complicated and we are running short on time.
Of course, yesterday's incident repeated itself when the drill-press broke yet again when Alexa was drilling holes for the axle in the sides of our house. Luckily, they were much smaller so they were easy to repair.

Class 2
In our afternoon tech class, we also asked if we could use a bigger drill-bit so our miniscule circular windows won't be so small, but then something amazing happened. We realized we could cut out square windows using the jigsaw, so Alexa cut out the door and the window, while Emily glued some walls together. Everything started to look amazing, and Alexa and Emily started to put together the main parts of the house, putting the axle with the cams through the two walls that hold it. Today was definitely a good day for construction and we look forward to finishing soon!

Emily & Alexa

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 7 - May 7th 2009

Today Alexa fixed the roof! The class started off on a very good note. We glue-gunned the four pieces of the roof together and our "dreamhouse" finally started looking decent. Of course, nothing can go perfectly, Emily went to put the holes for the axle in the two sides of the house and the drill press fell apart, leaving huge holes in both of the sides.  It seems like our "dreamhouse" is turning into a nightmare, especially when we saw the size of the largest drill-bit, which is going to be making the holes for the windows. The windows will be very tiny compared to our house, but we're planning on decorating the façade so it should look okay.  Emily had to re-measure and began to re-cut the sides of the house.  Hopefully next class we will be able to catch up on lost time, since we have two periods to work tomorrow.